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  • #1005
    Evan Schulte

    Shielding Frequencies
    Enter these into the Timed Specific Profile:
    Click New (you will see a new line labeled Example)
    Click on the Example line to type the Item Name in the first column
    Click into the second column to enter the frequencies.
    Click the frequency to select and run with the timer.

    Spiritual Upliftment 444.44
    Shield from External Negativity 447.77

    Allan suggests that you create a new line for each of these items.
    Although you could run them together by inputting 444.44; 447.77 (the frequencies must be separated by a semi-colon; and a space).
    Running either of the items on zero with the timer long-term for a few hours or overnight can be very helpful.
    We always love to hear your feedback on how these frequencies work for you. Enjoy!

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